Striking Balance Guitar Stand
Full Design and Fabrication
7 weeks
Fusion360, Mill, Lathe, Lasercutter, Table Router, Drill Press, Bandsaw
Create a guitar stand that is beautiful, structurally robust, and meaningful to me.
Also make sure it can be disassembled for transportation.
Design and Prototyping:
​I sketched out some initial ideas and made a few prototypes out of foam/cardboard and wood. I finalized a yin-yang design inspired by the fact that the only cuts of hardwood I had were completely different colors.
I used a mill and lathe to make the rear leg and front posts from 1in diameter 4041 aluminum bar stock. Then I lasercut the yin/yang shapes, and sanded them down. Initially, I thought I could use a table router, but the grain orientation of the wood and the tight curves made it unsafe with router tearout.